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Art and a witches' coven in Hendaye

Another 50th anniversary, coinciding with that of Bera's Labiaga ikastola, this time of Basque cultural association Akelarre in Hendaye.

Akelarre promotes a range of cultural and social activities, from music and dance to sport and local festivities. As part of its 50th anniversary celebrations, it has invited graphic artist Lola Sarratea and myself to exhibit at Hendaye's cultural centre, Mendi Zolan.

The association's name refers to the witches' covens immortalised by the Spanish painter Francisco Goya in a painting now in the Prado museum that form part of Basque folklore.

Appropriately, Lola's graphic work focuses, among other things, on witches!  

To chime in with the ambiance, I have chosen witch-related themes for my paintings as well. This one (60 cm x 60 cm, pigments on paper) is called "Under the influence of demons"

The exhibition is on until September 14 2024 at Hendaye's cultural centre, Mendi Zolan, in a modern complex alongside Hendaye's amazing miles-long beach.  


My thanks to Jean-Pierre Artola, Akelarre’s longstanding president, for this invitation and to Lola for generously suggesting that I join her in this initiative.



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